Happy New Year...I think
Well, if you’re feeling like me…yeah, yeah, yeah. Shhh, let’s not get too excited with all the well wishes. We did that last year and look what happened. You’re not alone. 2020 was at best a tough year. We all have experienced life challenges like no other time in our lives. Some have lost loved ones, some have been sick and all have had to change how we live. Masks are not just for doctors and construction workers now. Family time is both a good, connecting and grounding thing and a challenging thing when there just SOOO much of it! (😆) Holidays are now spent alone, or at a minimum not with the extended family members from other states, or even those who live in your metro area. Its tough for those who are away from home. It’s been a rough one! I know.
For good reason, starting 2021 off with hesitation provides my soul with some protection. I need to ease into it because the residual effects of the March 2020 surprise. The coronavirus took the wind out of my excitement sails of my 20/20 vision. I’m not yet ready for the disappointment of not being able to engage in my once very active social life. Those who know me know I LOVE to entertain and engage in social events. That has all but stopped. We are still in the muck of 2020. So it makes sense to not want to really celebrate the new year.
But…I am also an eternal optimist. It is, in fact, a new year! If you’re reading this, you’re still here. You’re alive and hopefully well. Though 2020 may have felt like a shit-fest in many ways there are so many ways that it has been both rewarding and beneficial. For one, as a country, we began to unite around issues of racial inequity that have plagued the country since its origin. Now more than ever, it is difficult to ignore how Black and Brown people in the United States are treated differently in all aspects of life. This awareness has come and continues to be at the cost of many lives and much hurt. It most certainly is not a resolved issue, but I believe that without the quarantine, we would not have slowed down enough to notice the shear craziness of this year’s deaths. That’s a significant benefit of the quarantine!
Next, this year also afforded an opportunity to shine the light on mental health in minority communities. At Cura, we have noticed an increase in interest and participation in therapy from minority clients. I would imagine that has a whole lot to do with all the additional time spent with people, you have more opps to see your own actions and their effects on your relationships. I am excited to see my community embracing our training and skills with new fervor. It has truly been a joy to see people taking charge of their lives and creating change in places where they have been stuck for so long. Yet another long-lasting positive impact of 2020.
In my opening paragraph, I joked about spending sooo much time with family. And to be honest, it has been a lot! But there is no other time, have I been able to see my children and really spend so much quality time with them engaging in the mundane as well as activities of their interests. I have enjoyed learning more about anime characters and Grey’s Anatomy and swimming techniques and how genZ thinks (based purely on the experts in my house). My girls are funny, witty, anxious about how sweet 16 in February (😳) will look, dealing with social concerns, learning to drive, bored with no friends around and really good at spades, air hockey, ping pong and learning to play pool. It’s been a joy to be here with them as they are so quickly turning into young women! I am grateful for the time.
Lastly, this year has really shown me that the people in life really care about ME. Many years ago, I felt this way when family and friends really showed up for me after a major loss. This year is different. There has been no loss (I am so blessed and grateful). My friends check on me, just because. It feels good to know that people care. My extended family has used all the creative ways to see each other though we are spread across the country. We’ve done virtual house parties, virtual murder mysteries, zoom calls, virtual game nights and not to mention teaching my children how to play spades and pool (necessary college knowledge). My baby brother even got married to our favorite lady created just for him. We have created some wonderful memories!
After reviewing all of 2020 versus just looking at the tough parts, I can say that it was a good year though very different and with challenges. Let’s give a cheer for the new year and what’s to come. Let’s make plans to be together whether in person or virtually. Engage with the people you love, be kind to all, even the ones you don’t know and really take care of yourselves. See a therapist and learn something new about you. Happy New Year!💛